About Me

Having been a lawyer for over 10 years primarily concentrating on real estate, I am also a real estate broker, mortgage lender, settlement agent, title insurance agent, and property manager with extensive experience working with buyers, sellers, and investors in all phases of the real estate transaction--and beyond.

My experience includes the actual sale or purchase, as well as mortgages, settlements, title insurance, and property management.

As naive and quaint as it may sound, since childhood, my driving force has been to change the world by helping people. Real estate is an area of great vulnerability for people as they make or sell the largest investment of their lives and I felt angry when I saw them being taken advantage of by others who simply wanted to line their own pockets. I entered real estate in order to help protect people and reform an industry that had long betrayed the public.

Okay, I'm off my soap box . . . for now 😉

I hope you find this website's content useful and uplifting! If you have any questions about real estate, or real estate matters you want me to write about, please contact me at amber@ambergw.com.

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Jamie Larson